Undral Byambadalai

Undral Byambadalai

Research Scientist, CyberAgent AI Lab


I am a research scientist at AI Lab, CyberAgent, Inc. My research interests lie at the intersection of econometrics, machine learning and economics.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Golub Capital Social Impact Lab led by Susan Athey at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. I received a PhD in Economics from Boston University, where my main advisor was Hiroaki Kaido. My other advisors were Iván Fernández-Val, Ching-to Albert Ma and Jean-Jacques Forneron.


Email: undral_byambadalai@cyberagent.co.jp

Address: 22F Shibuya Scramble Square 2-24-12 Shibuya Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150-6121

Here are links to my other profiles: Google Scholar, LinkedIn

Research papers

The Heterogeneous Impact of Changes in Default Gift Amounts on Fundraising [preprint] with Susan Athey, Matias Cersosimo, Kristine Koutout and Shanjukta Nath

Contextual Bandits in a Survey Experiment on Charitable Giving: Within-Experiment Outcomes versus Policy Learning [arXiv] [slides] with Susan Athey, Vitor Hadad, Sanath Krishnamurthy, Weiwen Leung and Joseph Jay Williams

Identification and Inference for Welfare Gains without Unconfoundedness [arXiv]

Changing Preferences: An Experiment and Estimation of Market-Incentive Effects on Altruism [paper] with Albert Ma and Daniel Wiesen Journal of Health Economics, Volume 92, December 2023, 102808